KnowGate Open Source CRM
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Building from Source

Source code download and deployment at an IDE

It is only necessary to precompile "Plain Old Java Objects" (POJOs) which are distributed in an independent source package. These classes can be compiled with Eclipse, NetBeans or JCreator.

For compiling the soource code you must add to the project all the .jar libraries from /WEB-INF/lib.

Post-processing with JiBX

Some classes must be post-processssed with JiBX after compiling them. For doing so adapt the following lines which invoke the JiBX compiler.
java -cp bcel.jar;jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar;jibx-extras.jar;xpp3.jar;C:\PROGRAM~1\Tomcat\webapps\hipergate\WEB-INF\classes org.jibx.binding.Compile C:\hipergate\storage\xslt\schemas\menu-def-jixb.xml
java -cp bcel.jar;jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar;jibx-extras.jar;xpp3.jar;C:\PROGRAM~1\Tomcat\webapps\hipergate\WEB-INF\classes org.jibx.binding.Compile C:\hipergate\storage\xslt\schemas\journal-def-jixb.xml
java -cp bcel.jar;jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar;jibx-extras.jar;xpp3.jar;C:\PROGRAM~1\Tomcat\webapps\hipergate\WEB-INF\classes org.jibx.binding.Compile C:\hipergate\storage\xslt\schemas\ysearchresponse-def-jixb.xml
java -cp bcel.jar;jibx-bind-1.1.5.jar;jibx-extras.jar;xpp3.jar;C:\PROGRAM~1\Tomcat\webapps\hipergate\WEB-INF\classes org.jibx.binding.Compile C:\hipergate\storage\xslt\schemas\calendar-def-jixb.xml

If the JiBX post-process is not done then the following exception will be raised when trying to enter to the application: org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Unable to access binding information for class com.knowgate.hipergate.Menu

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